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About us

Hotel Expert is a full support of hotels and restaurants with all necessary goods.

We supply a full line to make your place ready to receive guests at your earliest convenience. You will get all kinds of goods on our website beginning from textiles, cosmetics and professional chemicals to dish, furniture and food.

We offer the best prices and certified products with direct deliveries from manufacturers in Europe, Turkey, China, Russia and Belarus.

Our clients are hotels, restaurants, cleaning companies, laundries, transportation companies, business centers, construction companies, malls, food production, medical centers, fitness and SPA.

We know and share with customers how to choose the best textiles, cosmetics, dish, facilities and other products, what kind of chemicals to use in the most hard-to-remove contaminations, things you need to pay attention when choosing a supplier and required items should be in supply contracts.

We appreciate your time and help your business to be more efficient.