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How to choose the right bed linen for your hotel?

Bedding Is An Addiction

The bedding set is important for creating the effect you’re looking for in your hotel rooms. Travelers always judge a hotel by its bed linens. Quality linens contribute positively to a hotels profitability by seizing more loyal customers. Below are a number of factors contributing to the overall characteristic of bed linen. The choice depends on what you are looking for.

1. The Thread Count

The higher the thread count, the denser the weave of the material. This is important because density adds softness and durability to the material. However, buying the highest thread count doesn’t necessarily mean you have purchased the best sheet.

2. Material Matters

The type of material you choose for your sheets has everything to do with hotel bed linens to tear frequent laundry. Think about it: it’s made to last?

  • Cotton: The best quality (and most expensive) is 100% Egyptian, which has extra-long-staple fibers that produce sumptuous, yet extremely durable sheets
  • Pima or Supima cotton: A medium-to-extra-long staple fibers material, is known for its softness and sheen and is a little more affordable than Egyptian cotton.
  • Linen: Ideal for hot climates, linen sheets are some of the most expensive out there, but will last for dec- ades. For an already worn-in look and feel.
  • Poly-blend sheets: Easy and resistant to wrinkles.

3. Weave

The way sheets are woven have a direct impact on how they feel. Lemieux’s fave, percale, is lightweight and tightly woven, which results in crisp, cool, bedding, while microfiber’s super-tight, dense weave makes it wrinkle-resistant, extra-soft, and resistant to water. Some other weaves to consider: ultra-soft and lustrous sateen, and flannel, with a nappy texture perfect for cooler climates.