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A handy guide with tips & advice on creating the most fascinating hotel restaurants, that will wow your guests

Your Hotel Restaurants are one of the most important departments that can support your property’s overall sales and popularity. This is the hotel facility that all guests are expected to visit (during their breakfast) and it is the one that can further support the guests’ satisfaction — provided that you have developed your restaurants correctly, focusing on providing the best possible dining experience.

That said, it is a fact that Hoteliers tend to make numerous mistakes, even before beginning to build or renovate their restaurants!

1. Make a research about what the visitors of your hotel like (or expect) to eat, focusing on what your area has to offer

2. Give to your hotel restaurant a differentiated character, compared to the general design of your hotel

3. Introduce the local cuisine and familiarize your guests with local food habits

4. Avoid serving your breakfast at the same place where your guests have their lunch or dinner

5. Build an individual identity for your main hotel restaurant, making it look like a completely different project